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inclusion strategies & everyday stories that will empower and
teach your entire family to be
Down Syndrome advocates


Hey, I'm Melissa and
this is my brother Josh.

We're the brother sister duo behind this book. Melissa is part author and part creator, with Josh serving as every part inspiration and best friend.

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childrens book

free inclusion guide



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Are you an advocate?

An advocate is someone who intentionally speaks
up for something or someone, who passionately encourages support for a cause, who is a supporter or defender, and who stands up for the rights of others.

When you purchase a book (or more than one!), the home or classroom that is receiving the book will be added to the "Wall of Fame" of those who pledge to
be advocates for the Down Syndrome community.

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© 2020-present by Melissa Brown and "The Ups and Downs of a Very Special Superhero"

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