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This is our story...

From the moment my younger brother Josh entered our world, our lives were changed for the better.

Growing up, my parents taught my older brother and me to treat Josh how we want others to treat him because they'll look to us as the example. What an important mantle that has been for our family to carry, but one that we wouldn't trade for anything.

I was an elementary school teacher for many years and, as I searched for books to read with my students, I noticed a lack of age-appropriate books with engaging stories for young children that also taught the specific characteristics and factors that are involved with a Down Syndrome diagnosis.

I knew, as a passionate advocate for the Down Syndrome community and as a sister who loves and adores her brother with every fiber of my being, that I needed to tell my story in a way that filled that literary void.

My goal and my prayer with this book is that all who read it walk away inspired to change their mentality about who someone with a disability is, and that all who read it begin to put aside their own reservations and plans, and embrace for their own lives the challenges, the patience, the open heart, and the unconditional love that Joey and his sister walk through together in this book.

© 2020-present by Melissa Brown and "The Ups and Downs of a Very Special Superhero"

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